Rose Nacrée du Desert by Guerlain

The superlative rose by Thierry Wasser for Guerlain and its now extinct collection Les Déserts d'Orient

Rose Nacrée du Désert showcases a magnificent Persian Rose specially selected by Thierry Wasser. Its characteristic essence gives a delicate, clever feel to this composition in which oud wood accord with smoky and amber accents finds full expression. Subtle and voluptuous, it represents a continent where beauty is tangible from the first promise of dawn.
The Déserts d’Orient fragrances are housed in simple, streamlined bottles gorgeously illuminated by a shower of gold, like a symbol of riches: a sign of belonging to a world in which this precious material has always been given pride of place.

Rare, reassuring, rich.

Saffron, Persian Rose, Patchouli, Cardamom, Curcuma, Cedar Wood, Oud Accord, Myrrh, Benzoin.

The superlative rose by Thierry Wasser for Guerlain and its now extinct collection Les Déserts d'Orient. Only the finest raw materials are used in here to conform a lush desert roses, citrus notes, spices that perfectly pairs with patchouli and precious myrrh all beautifully enveloped in oud to inspire a ride through the sand dunes.

La superlativa rosa por Thierry Wasser for Guerlain y su ahora extinta colección Les Déserts d'Orient. Aquí solo se utilizan las mejores materias primas para conformar unas exuberantes rosas del desierto, notas cítricas, especias que combinan perfectamente con pachulí y preciosa mirra, todo ello envuelto en oud para inspirar un paseo por las dunas.

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